Why Our Name

It all started in Hawaii, on the island of Maui, in the 1980s. Chef Ravi's Kealoha Uncles unintentionally ended up with a few Hobie cat catamarans, which were popular in the '80s. Not knowing how to sail, they would take their boats down to the beach every weekend, joined by a group of family and friends. They'd spend the weekends "sailing," cooking, fishing, playing music, and talking story. It became apparent that the cost of repairs, gas, beverages, and food was adding up. To continue the fun, they needed a way to subsidize their entertainment. The group decided to sell plate lunches at concerts on Maui and use the proceeds to fund their good times. As Uncle George says, "it was financially transparent, the money would come in, and the money was spent!" As the popularity grew, the Uncles felt they should have a name to make it more official. They lived on Liholiho street, so Liholiho Yacht Club it was!
Chef Ravi first heard this story in 2011 while sitting on his Aunty and Uncle's lanai in Haiku. Hearing the Uncles story awakened the idea of starting a pop-up. Ravi realized he only needed to make enough money to pay the bills and support his family. While doing so, he could explore what it meant to cook his heritage and, most importantly, spend time with his loved ones and newborn son, Makoa.
The original Liholiho Yacht Club captured the spirit perfectly. The Uncles had an early version of a beach pop-up that offered good local food, live music, and fun with Ohana.
"What could be better than to throw a party that allows us to do what we love!" And this is what motivates us daily at Liholiho Yacht Club